Musculoskeletal Pain & Inflammation

Musculoskeletal system- The musculoskeletal system is a system that gives animals (including humans) the ability to move, using the muscular and skeletal systems. The musculoskeletal system is made up of the bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints, and other connective tissue that supports and binds tissues and organs together. It provides form, support, stability, and movement to the body.Altogether, the skeleton makes up about 20 percent of a person’s body weight. It protects organs and provides structure to the body.

Musculoskeletal disorders

The musculoskeletal disorders are simply disorders pertaining to muscle & skeleton. The skeletal muscle contractions can be acute and severe or chronic in nature produced by a variety of conditions. They may be produced by:

  • Tearing of ligaments or tendons

Muscle Strains: A strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon in which the muscle fibers tear as a result of overstretching. Strains are also colloquially known as pulled muscles. 

  • Muscle Strains: A strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon in which the muscle fibers tear as a result of overstretching. Strains are also colloquially known as pulled muscles.
  • Sprains: Painful injury to a joint caused by a sudden wrenching of its ligaments.
  • Dislocations: Temporary displacement of a bone from its normal position.
  • Degenerative osteoarthritis: Degeneration with erosion of joint surfaces, accompanied by local muscle atrophy, joint enlargement.
  • Slip disk: A vertebral disc that is displaced or partly protruding, pressing on nearby nerves and causing back pain or sciatica.
  • Spondylitis: Inflammation of a spinal joint; characterized by pain and stiffness.

Some other musculoskeletal disorders are-

  • Tendonitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Tension neck syndrome

Musculoskeletal disorders according to ayurveda

In Ayurveda, the bones and joints are considered sites of vata—meaning that they have a general affinity for vata, and are particularly prone to vata imbalances.Ayurveda identifies two major types of joint problems. The first type is associated with poorly-nourished joints or low bone density and overall weakness in the joints.The second kind is associated with a toxic overload in the joints, and is the result of too many toxins in the body.

Vata-Related Joint Problem-When VyanaVata, which is the aspect of Vata that governs the circulation and nerve impulses, is aggravated, the first type of joint problem can occur. The person’s circulation, metabolism, and ability to absorb food are weakened; as a result, the bone tissue does not receive enough nourishment and eventually starts to degenerate. The imbalance in VyanaVata and the weakened circulation, metabolism and absorption create a drying effect on ShleshakaKapha, the subdosha of Kapha that governs lubrication of the joints. When this happens, the joints are not lubricated properly and this creates the discomfort, cracking sound, and diminished flexibility.

Ama-Related Joint Problem-This second type of joint problem is problem of ama (digestive toxins) in the joints, and is characterized by a heavy, stiff feeling. If nothing is done to dissolve the ama and it sits in the joints for a long time, eventually the ama converts to amavisha. Amavisha causes the joint to become inflamed, swollen, and painful. In this kind of environment, ama also mixes with the natural lubricating fluids in the joint governed by ShleshakaKapha, forming an extremely sticky, toxic substance known as shleshma. Shleshma restricts mobility and disturbs circulation in the joint. If the ama, amavisha and shleshma stay in the joints unattended to for a long time, eventually the structure of the joints and the bone itself becomes damaged. Once these morphological changes happen to the joint and bone, it becomes extremely difficult to correct.

In Ayurveda, the treatment of musculoskeletal pain is managed by balancing the Vata dosh and other causative factors. Several herbs traditionally used in Ayurveda in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders have demonstrated their potential as anti-inflammatory agents with minimal side effects. Herbal medications work by reducing pain and inflammation. Along with analgesics and anti-inflammatory the detoxifying herbs are also used that can detoxify and prevents further formation of amavisha (toxins) the accumulated ama in the joints.

Composition: Each tablet contains

Extract of: Rasna (50mg), Sunthi (50mg), Ashthishrinkhala (25mg), Harida (25mg)

Powders of: Guggulu (Shudh) (150mg), Asvagandha (75mg), Shilajit (Shudh) (50mg), Methi (50mg), Visamusti (Shudh)(50mg), Pippali (25mg)

Rasna (Pluchealanceolata)

Rasna is an excellent joint and musculoskeletal health promotive herb. Its pungent principles are capable of resolving inflammation and pain. In a study, the methanolic extracts of all plant parts exhibited notable anti-inflammatory activity and remarkable anti-arthritic action.

Sunthi (Zingiberofficinale)

Ginger also has good digestive effect that helps to reduce the ama and its vata pacifying effect helps to reduce pain. Ginger has protective effects on joint inflammation, arthritis, and musculoskeletal disorders via its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-serotonin influences. One Study shows Ginger is more effective than indomethacin in reducing the pain associated with inflammation and oxidative stress. Moreover, Ginger can decrease muscle pain caused by sever exercise.It also helps in digestion and therefore, prevents formation of amavisha.

Ashthishrinkhala (Cissusquadrangularis)

Ashthishrinkhala is also known as Hadjod which means that accelerates healing of fractured bone.It helps in increasing the bone mineral density, mineral composition and enhance the bone regeneration process naturally and provide strength to bones and joints.

Haridra (Curcuma longa)

Haridra has well known anti-inflammatory action. It decreases the synthesis of inflammatory mediators. Recent evidence from several in vitro studies suggests that curcumin is an effective therapeutic option for Osteoarthritis (OA) because it targets a number of pathways that are central to disease pathogenesis.

Curcumincan inhibit proliferation of synoviocytes, which are responsible for producing the inflammatory mediators that result in tissue destruction in patients suffering from OA.

It reduces reactive oxygen and nitrogen species formation in neutrophils. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species can lead to cartilage degradation and depolymerization of hyaluronan, which can eventually lead to joint erosion.

Ashawagandha (Withaniasomnifera)

Ashwagandha is a rasayan drug that provides strength to the overall body.Ashwagandha also acts as pain reliever as it acts on the nervous system and prevents pain signal from being sent. In a study, administration of W. somnifera root powder to the arthritic rats significantly decreased the severity of arthritis by effectively suppressing the symptoms of arthritis and improving the functional recovery of motor activity and radiological score. The results suggest that W. somnifera root powder acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent in decreasing the arthritic effects in collagen-induced arthritic rats.Pharm Biol, 2014; 52(3): 308–320

 Methi (Trigonellafoenum-graecum)

Methi is an important health component in human diet as it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.In a study, the extract of fenugreek seeds has shown significant anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activities which are due to the presence of linolenic and linoleic acids.Indian J Pharmacol. 2016 Jul-Aug; 48(4): 441–444.

Pippli (Piper longum)

Pippli is effective muscle spasms and it also has good analgesic and inflammatory properties. In a laboratory study, anti-inflammatory activity of Pippali in acute and sub-acute experimental models of inflammation was evaluated and pippali had shown significant results. Piperine, which is the prime constituent of fruit, is reported to be having significant anti-inflammatory activity. It also enhances the bio-availability of other drugs, possibly by modulating membrane dynamics, due to its easy partitioning and increasing permeability.

 Guggulu (Commiphoramukul)

In Ayurveda guggulu has been in used from ancient times. Guggul is very effective in musculoskeletal pains due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Results of several studies confirm anti-inflammatory and antiarthritic activities of guggul. Guggul possess anti-inflammatory, dipana and pachana properties therefore help to reduce ama, vata and kapha. Guggul kindles agni and provides detoxification of ama. It also supports movement of the joints. Its simultaneous ability to lubricate and rejuvenate the tissues within and around the joints helps to promote strength and proper movement within these delicate spaces. It also offers antimicrobial and analgesic properties which help to achieve relief in joint pain.

 Shilajit (Asphaltumpunjabianum)

It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects and is thus useful for different painful conditions of the body. It has powerful bio stimulating effect and it also enhances the recovery processes in damaged tissues. It stimulates the immune system and is used as an anti-inflammatory and antitoxic agent.

Visamusti (Strychnosnux-vomica)

Visamusti is a poisonous plant and it is used in various Ayurvedic medicines after the process of purification. It is effective in various inflammatory disorders & joint problems. In a study, Anti-nociceptive effects of brucine were assessed in acute and chronic pain mice model. In acute pain models, brucine significantly inhibits response induced by nociceptive heat and mechanical stimulation.

Musculoskeletal pain refers to pain in the muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and nerves. Pain can be present in just one area of the body like back or it may be present throughout the body. It can be moderate to severe which can affect day to day life. According to Ayurveda, pain is caused by the aggravation of vata and the accumulation of toxins called Ama. Ama travels through the body and gets accumulated in the weaker spots. When this happen, along with the aggravation of vata, there is pain in joints. Inflammation of the tissue around the affected muscle causes pain even with the slightest movement of the joint. This leads to the muscle stiffness and unbearable pain.

Rucaflex tablet is the combination of Ayurvedic herbs that are beneficial in the various musculoskeletal problems such as arthritis, joint pain, inflammation and backache etc.

  • The anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties of Guggul, Pippali, Methi, Haridra, Shilajit and Rasna helps in decreasing the severity of arthritis and other musculoskeletal pain. They effectively suppress the symptoms of arthritis, improving the functional recovery and allow faster healing in case of bone fracture.
  • The ingredients like Visamusti and Sunthiin Rucaflex Tablet had proven anti-nociceptive and analgesic effects which are beneficial in painful musculoskeletal conditions.
  • The antioxidant effect of Ashwagandha and Haridra helps in faster recovery and prevents further damage.