The liver is a vital organ in human body. In Ayurveda liver is known as “Yakrut” and its embryological origin is blood tissue. It performs an array of functions related to metabolism, immunity, digestion, detoxification, storage and distribution of various nutrients. Any problem with the liver can results in dysfunctioning of the liver. Some of the common liver problems are as follow:-

  1. Hepatitis- Hepatitis refers to an inflammatory condition of the liver commonly caused by viral infection.
  2. Alcohol related liver disease- It is caused due to excessive alcohol consumption and results in cirrhosis.
  3. Non- alcoholic fatty liver disease- Due to eating of fast food or obesity, high levels of fats in the blood, the non-alcoholic fatty liver occurs.
  4. Drug induced and chemical induced hepatic injury- It is caused by Anti TB drugs, Statins, chemotherapeutic agents, antiretroviral drugs and environmental pollutants.


According to ancient Ayurvedic Science imbalance of tridosha (body humors) are the main cause of diseased state. Ayurveda describes the liver as a fiery, hot organ and this is due to presence of Agni and pitta in the liver. Here, Agni is correlated to metabolic fire whereas pitta is correlated to Bile. The imbalance of pitta dosha and agni results in increased waste products or toxins and cell damage. This gives rise to udarroga (Udar is area where almost all organs especially related to digestion resides and Roga means disease). If pitta dosh imbalance continues for a longer duration, serious liver disorders like jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis and cancer may develop.

Reasons of Pitta imbalance:

The imbalance of tridosha can happen by dietary indiscrimination like eating pitta aggravating foods such as junk food and processed food items, alcohol abuse, stress and lack of sleep etc. Change in season and improper exercise can also result in imbalance of tridosha. Finally, this imbalance of dosha will result in Non- alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), Alcohol related liver disease, hepatitis, jaundice, cirrhosis and even death if not treated on time. Pitta imbalances are classically hot and inflammatory in nature that’s why its equilibrium should be maintained to avoid any damage to the liver.

Junk food or processed food contains refined sugars and trans-fats which can cause a fatty build up in the liver. Packed foods and baked goods contain high trans-fat and sugars that make you more likely to gain weight. Even if you are not overweight but you are taking junk food on regular basis, there are high chances of development of fatty liver disease.

The over use of refined sugars and trans-fats results in accumulation of excessive fat in liver cells (hepatocytes) which further leads to a condition known as fatty liver. The harmful effect of fast food on the body is also related to the formation of free radicals. Free radicals can cause damage to cells in the body by reacting with molecules in cell.

Similarly, the persons which are physically inactive but are on high calorie diet have increased incidence of liver disease. Moderate exercise is a healthy practice. However, exhaustive exercise also generates free radicals leading to liver damage.

When liver is rapidly abused and not given a chance to recover then the damage become irreversible and progressive. So, the safeguard against liver disease is to prevent further liver damage by opting Hepatoprotectives and hepatostimulants.

Each tablet contains:

Mass extract: Bhringraj 400 mg, Punarnava 450 mg, Mulethi 250 mg, Bhumiamlaki 550 mg, Chitrak 500 mg, Kalmegh 200 mg, Haridra 200 mg, Guduchi 250 mg

Powders: Kutki 100 mg, Milk Thistle extract 45 mg, Kalmegh 85 mg, Pippali20mg

Liquid: Shudha shilajit 28 mg

Bhringraj (Eclipta alba)

Bhringraj helps in detoxification of Liver and works as hepatic stimulant. It has Katu (pungent) and Tikta (bitter) taste. It improves overall liver health.

The components of E.alba like wedelo-lactone, demethyl-wedelolactone and saponins reduced fat deposition, mononuclear infiltration, and necrotic foci, and stimulated liver cell regeneration.

Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)

In Ayurveda, Punarnava is known to be used as Sothaghna (anti-inflammatory) and Rasayana (rejuvenator). It has a pittahar action. It has proved studies which shows hepatoprotective action of Punarnava. The studies have shown the following positive responses in the treatment of liver diseases-

  • Elevation in the decreased levels of antioxidant
  • Elevated levels of liver marker enzymes.

Bhumiamlaki (Phyllanthus niruri)

In Ayurvedic literature, Bhumiamlaki is known to be used as Kaphapittahara (which relieves the Kapha Pitta dosha), Kaamalahar (Which cures jaundice). Bhumiamlaki provides synergetic effect when given with Silymarin. It provides hepatoprotective action as it normalizes ROS (Reactive oxygen species) by their high antioxidant content and attenuating endogenous antioxidant enzymes to their normal level and stimulates the liver repair mechanism.

Chitrakmool (Plumbago zeylanica)

Chitrakmool has bitter taste therefore it is beneficial in liver problems. It helps in proper functioning of the liver. Several phytoconstituents viz., tri-terpenes, sterols, zeylonone of Plumbago zeylanica have been found effective in the hepato-protection against paracetamol induced hepatic toxicity. Administration of P. zeylanica decreased the level of bilirubin and increased the level of protein suggesting that it offered protection.

  • It also significantly decreased serum lipid profile in paracetamol toxicity induced rats because of its hypolipidemic effects and supplementation enhanced esterification effect through hepato-protective property by inhibiting the free radicals effect on liver cells.
  • γ‐glutamyltransferase (GGT) level were maintained by Plumbago zeylanica treatment due to its antioxidant activity.
  • Treatment with P. zeylanica decreased the serum levels of SGOT and SGPT towards the respective normal value that is an indication of stabilization of plasma membrane as well as repair of hepatic tissue.

Kutki (Picrorhiza Kurroa)

It is an established herbal remedy for variety of disease ranging from indigestion to hepatitis. Modern clinical studies have confirmed the efficacy and safety of Picrorhiza kurroa for the treatment of liver disease. Pharmacologically, Kutkin (Picrosides and kutkosides) has hepatoprotective activity. The therapeutic activity of the drug may be based on two mechanisms:

  • Kutkin alter the structure of the outer membrane of the hepatocytes in such a way as to prevent penetration of the liver toxin into the interior of the cell.
  • Kutkin stimulate the action of nucleolar polymerase A, resulting in ribosomal protein synthesis and, thus stimulates the regenerative ability of the liver and formation of new hepatocytes.
  • Apocynin, is one of its constituents, has been found to exhibit powerful anti- inflammatory effects on a variety of inflammatory models.

Pippali (Piper longum)

Pippali is one of the potent herbal drugs which can improve the regeneration process by restricting fibrosis and having hepatoprotective action. It contains various alkaloids like piperine, piperlongumine, piperlonguminine, etc. which helps in the regeneration of hepatocytes. Additionally, it acts as bioavailability enhancer.

  • Various studies have shown that treatment with extract of P. longum inhibits liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4).
  • An evident decrease in the level of serum enzymes, total bilirubin, and direct bilirubin was also observed.

Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)

It is arguably the most commonly used medication for various liver diseases. 

It act as a hepatoprotective by-

  • Exerting membrane stabilizing and antioxidant activity.
  • Promotes hepatocyte regeneration
  • Reduces inflammatory reactions
  • Inhibits fibrogenesis in liver
  • Increase protein synthesis in hepatocytes by stimulating RNA polymerase activity.

Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata)

Kalmegh has wide range of medicinal values. It is utilized in various liver problems due to its tikta rasa. In a study, the hepatoprotective activity of  Andrographis paniculata was evaluated against paracetamol liver damage. The results of the study indicated that the extract exhibits significant protective effect in the liver morphology. J Phytol 2/11 (2010) 25-30

Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)

Guduchi has tridoshashamak properties. Therefore, it helps in balancing of the tridosha (Vata, Pitta & kapha). It is a rasayana herb that also supports immunity and overall health of a person. In a study, the hepatoprotective activity of T. cordifolia was evaluated for CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in which it helps in normalizing the increased levels of liver enzymes and therefore, helps in liver dysfunction.Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2013. 6(1):87-91

Haridra (Curcuma longa)

Haridra has katutikta rasa due to which it supports liver functioning. The hepatoprotective effects of Curcuma longa Rhizome extract (CLRE) on the development of liver cirrhosis, induced by prolonged exposure to thioacetamide (TAA) were assessed though theexperimental study. Results concluded that the plant natural extract exerted its hepatoprotective effect by preventing the harmful effects of TAA toxicity. This hepatoprotective capability of CLRE preserved the liver’s status quo in terms of its properties, functions and structure against toxins. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013, 13:56

Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Mulethi (Licorice) supports the liver health. In a study, the antihepatotoxic effect of licorice aqueous extract (LE) on the carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced liver injury in a laboratory model was evaluated. Licorice extract significantly inhibited the increase of liver enzymes that were responsible for liver damage.Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2011, 12, 6529-6543

Shilajit (Asphaltum punjabianum)

Shilajit is an important, known component of the ayurvedic medicine given its characteristics as a rasayana. In this context, health benefits such as an increase in longevity, rejuvenating and arrest aging roles have been attributed to it. It is used as yogavaha, that is, as synergistic enhancer of other drugs. Organic components of shilajit  also plays a role in transporting different mineral substances to their cellular targets. International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Volume 2012, Article ID 674142, 4 pages

Liver is the organ that helps in number of functions such as detoxification, synthesis of proteins and production of biochemicals important for digestion and growth of an individual. Liver dysfunction also affects the functioning of other organs such as Kidneys and various metabolic processes like digestion, detoxification etc.

If a person is suffering from Indigestion, constipation, hyperacidity or High Uric acid levels in blood whose cause is unknown, indicates that he may have some problem in the Liver.

Primaliv is the unique formulation along with Milk thistle extract along with other potent herbs that offers multiple benefits like hepatoprotective, hepatostimulant, and antioxidant.

  • Milk Thistle (Silymarin) in Primaliv exerts membrane stabilizing activity and prevents fibrogenesis in liver. It also promotes regeneration of hepatocytes and stimulates RNA polymerase activity to increase protein synthesis in hepatocytes.
  • Punarnava,Chitrak, Bhringraj and Bhumiamlaki prevent loss of functional integrity of cell membrane and restore the normal balance of hepatic enzymes.
  • Pippali improves the regeneration process of hepatocytes by restricting fibrosis whereas Kutaki prevents penetration of toxins inside the cell and stimulates regeneration of cells.
  • Mulethi, Haridra, Guduchi and Kalmegh act as a Hepatoprotective and protect the liver from damage from the byproducts of various chemical moieties.

Primaliv Tablets has recovery period & ensure early restoration of hepatic functions in infective hepatitis. It can be prescribed to treat various liver conditions like early liver cirrhosis, fatty liver, jaundice and anorexia. It is also a logical adjuvant to various treatments like chemotherapy, Haemodialysis and anti-TB treatment. It has pitta balancing properties by which it balances the vitiated pitta Dosha. Thus, counteracts the root cause of liver problems, and improves liver function.